Meet Abby
ABB's New Online Contact Lens Ordering Platform
The calculators below will help you identify the amount of your contact lens revenue that is at risk, evaluate your current purchasing strategies, and determine the value that Abby can add to your practice.

THE OPPORTUNITY*: Calculates the total estimated value of your practice's contact lens business IF every single patient who received a contact lens exam purchased a full year supply of lenses from your practice. This includes:
- How many contact lens exams you do per day
- How many exam days you have per week
- The number of days you are on vacation/closed per year
- Your average retail value of an annual supply (Hint: Think about the lenses you prescribe most often and how much you charge your patients for a full year supply of those lenses)
THE REALITY: Calculates the current reality of your contact lens revenue by using: Your practice's average monthly ABB statements Any direct-to-manufacturer statement totals Your average contact lens markup. The difference between the Opportunity and the Realty = the estimated total Revenue Gap. Percentages of the opportunity captured and not captured are also provided.
THE TAKEAWAY: This calculator estimates the volume of at-risk revenue, which is comprised of exam-only patients and patients who only purchased a partial year supply.
* The Opportunity Calculator is for illustrative purposes only. Actual results may vary.
THE PURPOSE*: The purpose of this calculator is to help you to evaluate your contact lens purchasing habits by comparing your annual savings of going direct to the manufacturer to the estimated return of implementing Abby. Doing so may determine if activating a more robust contact lens strategy would be more beneficial than your current processes.
- The first section estimates the annual savings of ordering direct from the manufacturer using your average discount and your average monthly statement total with the manufacturer.
- The second section provides an estimated profit generated from Abby based on how many patients you have in the practice, how many patients you have that will be due to reorder, how many ordering opportunities those patients represent, the average reorder capture rate from Abby, the reorder value and your average contact lens markup.
- The third and final section shows the potential profit generated from Abby over and above the cost savings of going direct to the manufacturer.
THE TAKEAWAY: Effective and timely communication to patients regarding prescription information and reorder reminders, may generate more than the cost savings of going direct. Combine that with the time savings of centralized ordering for all manufacturers, streamlined process of returns, effective use of staff's time, increased patient satisfaction for ALL patients and reduced practice interruptions by increasing direct-to-patient shipping...the value of ABBY is substantial and may exceed any upfront discounts on products ordered directly with the manufacturer.

* This Calculator is for illustrative purposes only. Actual results may vary.
Our Eye Care Practitioners Love Working with Abby
Abby is also extremely easy for us to use. And I love that our patients can continue working with a practice they know and trust, all while getting their contacts shipped directly to them for freeLinda Pakulis, Manager
Eagle Eye Vision Care
Abby is a great tool! It has helped us to get contacts to the patients quickly. With Abby, we can now compete with online retailers and provide excellent service to our patientsAndrew Rothberg, O.D.
Eagle Eye Vision Care
Signing up with Abby was super easy. We had it set up in less than 1 hour and were able to immediately place patient contact lens orders. Best of all, we are able to extend superior care to our patientsDanielle Elias, Manager, Clinical Service Manager
Ritz & Johnson Fashion Eye Care
With Abby, we can provide safe contact lenses with the quality we are assured of. It also helps us to provide great customer service. Abby is easy, convenient and what's expected by patients these daysJuan Menjivar, O.D.
Ritz & Johnson Fashion Eye Care